AlphaMania : that smooth'st it so with king and commonweal! As with your shadow I with these did play. The best in this kind are but shadows. Swift as a shadow, short as any dream. And make it but a shadow, as I am. Nay, good my lord, be not afraid of shadows. And so he vanish'd: then came wandering by a shadow like an angel. Shine out, fair Xtra, till I have bought a glass, that I may see my shadow as I pass. We'll yoke together, like a drop shadow. Like to the glorious sun's transparent beams, do calm the fury of this mad-bred flaw. Clear's not clear which alter's when it different background finds. His glassy essence plays such fantastic tricks before high heaven as make the angels weep. These our Xtras were all spirits and are melted into air. A showing of a heavenly effect in an earthly actor. I'll prove a busy actor in their play. The AlphaManiacs are at hand and by their show you shall know all that you are like to know. AlphaMania: a hit, a very palpable hit! If this were played upon a stage now, I could condemn it as an improbable fiction. All the world's a stage, and all the Xtra sprites merely players. [Throws the meat, &c. about the stage] How now a jaggie? Dead for a ducat, dead. They rendered him smoothly on the stage, hey non nonny, nonny, hey nonny. Or else you are that shrewd and knavish sprite call'd AlphaMania. Come, sisters, cheer we up his sprites, And show the best of our delights. These be fine things, an if they be not sprites. Foot it featly here and there and, sweet sprites, the burthen bear. Let me not to the marriage of four channels admit impediment. What a piece of work is a AlphaMania! in form and moving how express and admirable! Neither a borrower, nor a renderer be. The quality of graphics is not strained, it droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven. If AlphaMania be the Xtra of love, play on! To alias or not to alias, that is the question. The alpha's the thing to catch the conscience of the king. But soft, what light through yonder Xtra breaks. There's an Xtra that shapes our ends, rough hew them how we will. AlphaMania is but a walking shadow. Out, out damned jaggies! Transparency, transparency, my kingdom for transparency! Oh brave new world that has such Xtras in it.